Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My First Piece Of Digital Art! (Okay Actually Second, But Technically, I Started On This First.)

Summer Skin by ~briankhoo on deviantART

Finally finished colouring in the picture of the girl i posted a few days ago! Need to work more on my sketchings of humans though. The face is pretty off, I think probably because of the nose and the eyes, which are missing some contours, especially near the nose bridge; something is wrong, but still can't really figure that out. But ohwell, I guess its okay for a first try! Stuff with faces always seem tricky in some way. Gonna try other angles soon. Other than that, I could do alot more work with highlights and shadows; since I referenced quite a bit, this one should be fine, but its a different story if I didn't.

Man this feels alot like those IB art days. Thinking of another project to do now since this one is done, while at the same time trying to figure out if doing those crosshatching sketches will work on digital, because somehow, i think they seem to work alot better on real life paper.

Somehow drawing the female seems more fun though. Something with the hair and eyes i guess.

                                                                           ~ ~ ~
Other than that, I've been thinking about army lately and the consequences of such a necessary void of 2 years. Well I guess I gotta admit that paddling would be rather impossible during that period of time, so its OCS on my sights then! And hopefully somehow God will help me figure out something some way or another because I've decided. I want to go to SEA games at least once before I quit and if its possible, try to win something then. Of course after army would be another problem with unis, considering the fact that architecture is gonna be a real time-sucker (from what i've heard) and I have no idea whether paddling is even viable then. And then again which one to sacrifice time for?

(Actually don't think to far Brian, you aren't even confirmed in architecture yet. So take things slow, one by one, leave tomorrow's worries for tomorrow.)

But i could use more hours in a day though. So much i want to do.

EDIT: That deviantart thing looks terrible though. Lol

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I ♥ My Wacom

I shall make up my lack of photos with sketches!

So lately I blew a huge amount of money (it was immensely painful) on a wacom tablet during the IT fair. Been wanting to try out digital art for sometime now, and a mouse just won't cut it (hand cramps, awful grip and shaky lines). Happened that just at that right moment, there was the IT fair the very next day! But no regrets anyhow; this thing is awesome, just need to get used to the difference between scratching plastic on plastic as compared to graphite on paper. Well here's the full sized project I've been doing on the tablet lately:

Girl In The Wind

Decided to start something with humans, something I've never really considered doing during art lessons, partly due to the fact that humans are awfully hard to draw, one slight mistake and they look like aliens. Hopefully i'll start improving with time, before i get stuck in army ): Did a lot of referencing from this art booklet which came with the tablet (mostly from this guy called Artgerm on deviantart, a.k.a Stanley Lau. He has some really jaw-dropping stuff on his portfolio.) because i'm noob like hell with perspective for faces and such. Probably explains why mine looks almost like one of his pieces (Pepperbreeze) Shall think of some way to make it more of my own soon I guess!

Well i say money well spent. Digital art is gonna keep me entertained for a really long time.

(Makes me wanna screw architecture and take up graphic design and become a freelancer or game designer)

Indecisive. Bleh.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So What I Have Been Up To Lately...

Yeah, I kinda have disappeared from my blog for long periods of time, but I do have good reasons for that!

1) I have been frying fish at night.

Seriously guys. Partly why i couldn't wake up for training (For two days in a row, because I was too tired to set alarm on Monday, and too tired to wake up on Tuesday. What a massive fail Brian.) I'm working at Fish & Co. @ Ion as cook. So drop by, say hi, and please don't order swordfish collar. Its quite a pain to cook. Especially during rush hours.

Anyway, why not blog in the afternoon then?

2) Because I have been sleeping.

Surprise, surprise. Because training in the morning is tiring. Work at night is tiring too. Work + Training = Damn tiring. (At the same time, I guess its a vicious cycle which causes me to miss my alarms)

If so, then what about free times?

3) I have been drawing more!

Yup, tried joining some t-shirt design competition. Okay, it didn't take up so much time, but all the photoshop crashing did. (Note to self: Save before doing some memory intensive stuff on photoshop. Your laptop isn't very new and up to date) Okay I have been playing a little more com than usual too, probably thats why. Okay a lot, not a little. League of Legends and L4D is fun.

Ohwell gotta start taking more photos too. Camera has been stagnant for a while now. Somehow, I can't wait for NS to come. Early seems a lot more better than delayed. And damnit! Iron Man 2 comes out during BMT. Sigh

Speaking of movies, Up In The Air was awesome stuff. Sadly they it didn't win anything during the academy awards. Man, I definitely say one of the best movie's I watched by far; great message behind it as well as acting.

On the other hand though, Alice In Wonderland sucked.

Okay, sleep. Or I might miss another alarm.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Expectations vs Reality

500 days of Summer - Expectations vs Reality from G. on Vimeo.

You know, usually I don't post stuff from others, but when I do, its probably something. (BTW, I love this movie) Don't know if You still visit, but happy belated birthday. Sorry for not wishing you in any other way, because I don't want to know that you won't reply, but now that i realised, i guess i'll never know anyhow
because sometimes expectations don't always align with reality. Best of luck with life. See yer.