Airshow was pretty good I guess, but arial performance was pretty crappy in my opinion. I thought there would be something more exciting, or multiple planes at least but ohwell! At least i managed to get some pretty good pictures anyway.

Definitely one of my fav shots. Pity they keep showing the bottom to the audience for who knows what reason.

Likewise here. There's something i really like about planes though; the way a whole chunk of metal can actually stay up in the air and at the same time give you such an awesome view. (Well i did try for pilots for NS, but fail luh. Water is still my element i guess! Suits me perfectly fine.) Damn, i love window seats on airplane flights. That's why i enjoy holidays: the flight, the holiday, the flight back, and yeah, the transits.

(On second thought. They really look like toys up there.)
There's something about transits which i enjoy somehow. (I know people hate it sometimes but i love it somehow) It always feels as though time freezes when you're in transit. Not like time freezing, but pseudo time freezing i guess. I think its because of the different timezones in different countries; like it was day in your country when you left, and while transiting, its still day, even after hours on the plane.
Whatever the case, its something a bit hard to explain, but transits somehow give me time to think. Just grab a latte/frappe/macchiato/whatever they have at Starbucks or something and sit around and think about life and whatever random thoughts come to mind while drawing some random pictures/reading some random book. Its really peaceful somehow; you're sitting around sipping coffee with your mind in deep thought while doing what you feel like doing. All while everyone seems to be rushing about for the next flight/last minute gifts/food/toilet. Makes it feel like you're in control of your own time and target.
Hell, you'll look like someone jet lagged/stoned/drugged out on sleeping pills and desperate for coffee to keep awake/finish up some assignment or book while thinking.
But hey, having the feeling that you have time on a leash feels amazingly calming somehow. You don't really get that everyday.
Okay, i'm back. I've stopped digressing. Too bad transits don't come everyday.

Love this few shots too. Going, going, gone. A lot like some things in life.

The grounded stuff seemed more impressive though. Somehow they planes always look just average when you're sitting at the terminal gate, but up close they're really much more stunning.
Speaking of which,

Chrome, when used sparingly and properly makes things a heck lot more beautiful. (Sorry for all those close ups, i think its much nicer that way somehow. Most of my full view shots had too many random people about ><)

(Okay luh, after the 4th one, its probably like unhealthy obsession. Probably explains why I sprayed a chrome coloured pattern on my paddle. Sadly the chrome isn't as shiny and reflective. Can't see the clouds on them. Just blurry stuff )
(I feel damn cheated. lol)

(I thought i'd look something like that)

(Or at least something shinier like this)

Australian airlines, military style.

Rare helicopter take off right in front of us!

(I just realised this looks like some photo they use in those RSAF advertisments. Heh)

Well that's all i guess. (Actually got quite a lot of shots, but most look like crap, or looked awesome then, but terrible on the com)
Thanks for the free tickets Zi Yang!
So lately, nothing much to do, and i can honestly say its getting pretty darn boring waiting for army sometimes. A real pain in my opinion. I think it would have been a better idea to get it done all in one shot. Well, but at least gonna get driving lessons soon i guess, and Chinese New Year coming up (together with Valentine's Day, but not much to bother about that this year). Hopefully it would make life alot more exciting.
I could do with something to look forward to.
I should start drawing more. MORE.
EDIT: (I need a new blogskin. Medium size doesn't do those pictures justice. Need more space!)
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