Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Is For Army/Apache

When I first entered BMT, I remembered my senior telling me something along the lines of “Your platoon sergeant is probably someone you wouldn’t want to meet ever again.” I couldn’t really remember what exactly he said because at that time I was a little bit more concerned about the kind of company I would be thrown into and the type of people I would meet. Turned out though, my platoon was a pretty awesome one, and my section was a great bunch to hang out with. So much for those worries.

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After marching and standing in the sun (sometimes pointlessly) for so long during army, there are several little things I’ve noticed without intentionally noticing, one of them being the uniform. The pixelised pattern is pretty much repeated at the exact same places, so basically you can find two similar uniforms (Like I know there’s this common “e” pixel pattern and that funny pattern that looks like “F1”).
Funny what army does to you.

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So I POPed today (Okay not really today, coz I wrote this on the night of POP but never got about posting it coz I couldn't find time to upload the pictures on the com.) Not as memorable as all of us thought it would be. The 24 click route march was more eventful than the so called rainy weather program which was a major fail. I think my company’s random singing/drills after the parade ended was more interesting than what was pre-planned. Well my $0.02 worth. Photo taking was fun though.

Award recipients from Apache!
 My platoon sergeant
 Apache coy, Platoon 3

 Apache company. We didn't get to throw our caps so we did our own cap throwing after everything. Heh.

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So about Platoon Sergeant. Somehow when we first entered, he didn’t exactly seem like the fierce kind. Well at first. After confinement week was a different story though. Though I can confidently say we did learn a lot more than we thought we would from him. Of course to us he will always be that Platoon Sergeant who makes us knock it down constantly; that bugger who loves area cleaning and perfectly black shoes. But at the same time like what another in the company told us, he cares a lot for his platoon and secretly while we’re all cursing him and all, deep down we actually respect him for what he does for us. Most disciplined platoon for sure. My senior got it wrong somehow.

(Whole lot knock it down. Crunches change)

So what do you know. I think it was a good choice not trying to get out of army to canoe. I guess I can always start again once army ends. Looks like the almost two years in uniform wouldn’t be such a waste of time after all. I think it would be a pretty good experience, something out of the blue which I highly doubt I would ever be trying again. I don’t love army, but at the same time I don’t hate it.

Though it’s still a rather strange concept.

Okay I still got some gripes about army though, one of them being the fact that I can't draw or train constantly.

Just a final thought. I've finally realised what chat logs are for. Its to realise things which you never realised back then.

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